Privacy Policy

Marpol Vehicles
Marpol Vehicles, New Cardiff Road, Aberdare, CF44 7RA
are committed to protecting and respecting any personal information you share with
This statement explains what types of information we collect from you, how it is used
by us, how we share it with others, how you can manage the information we hold
and how you can contact us.
The contents of this statement may change from time to time so please check this
page occasionally to ensure you are still happy to share your information with us.
Where possible, we will also contact you directly to notify you of these changes.

The Information we collect

We collect information about you when you engage with us or our partners. Some of
this information does not identify you personally, but provides us with information
about how you use our services and engage with us (we use this information to
improve our services and make them more useful to you). The information we collect
includes some or all of the following:
• Your personal details including name, date of birth, address, employment and
contact details
• Your banking and financial information where you may provide it (including
income, expenditure and previous credit history)
• Information about your lifestyle and home ownership
• Identifiers assigned to your computer or other devices, including your Internet
Protocol (IP) address
• Cookie information (see our Cookie Policy)
• Details of communications between us (for example emails or call recordings)
• Any other information which you may provide to us

How we use this information and the legal basis for processing

We will only process information that is necessary for the purpose for which it has
been collected. The legal basis of processing will vary depending the type of service
you have requested and we have listed some examples of our processing activities
• Administering your vehicle quotes and policies (as is necessary for performance
of a contract between you and us and/or as is necessary for our legitimate
• Carrying out anti-fraud and anti-money laundering checks and verifying your
identity (as is necessary for compliance with our legal obligations and/or as is
necessary for our legitimate interests);
• Assessing financial risks, including by carrying out credit reference checks and
credit scoring assessments, (as is necessary for the performance of a contract
between you and us and/or as is necessary for our legitimate interests);
• Broking your finance agreement and any related services (as is necessary for
the performance of a contract between you and us and/or as is necessary for
our legitimate interests);
• Using your payment details to process payments or refunds relating to a service
provided by us (as is necessary for the performance of a contract between you
and us and/or as is necessary for our legitimate interests);
• Sending you information about your end of contract obligations and how to
renew your vehicle hire agreement (as is necessary for compliance with our
legal obligations);
• Communicating with you about your quotes and policies including responding to
your enquiries (as is necessary for the performance of a contract between you
and us and/or as is necessary for our legitimate interests);
• Administering debt recoveries, where you owe us money under a contract or
otherwise (as is necessary for the performance of a contract between you and
us and/or as is necessary for our legitimate interests);
• Undertaking market research and statistical analysis, including analysing your
use of our website. This allows us to develop new, or improve existing, products
and services (as is necessary for our legitimate interests); and
• Fulfilling our obligations owed to a relevant regulator or authority (as is
necessary for compliance with our legal obligations and/or as is necessary for
our legitimate interests).
Our “legitimate interests” as referred to in this document include our legitimate
business purposes and commercial interests in operating our business in a
customer-focused, efficient and sustainable manner, in accordance with all
applicable legal and regulatory requirements

Automated Decisions and Profiling

We will never make automated decisions when processing your data nor will we use
profiling techniques.

How do we share this information?

We do not sell your information to third parties, for us activity it was provided for,
such as;
• third party service providers who support the operation of our business, such as
IT and marketing suppliers, financial service providers, delivery companies,
dealer groups and debt collection agencies (as is necessary for the performance
of a contract between you and us and/or as is necessary for our legitimate
• third party insurance providers (as is necessary for the performance of a
contract between you and us and/or as is necessary for our legitimate interests).
• fraud prevention agencies and associations, (as is necessary for compliance
with our legal obligations and/or as is necessary for our legitimate interests);
• regulators and law enforcement agencies, including the police, the Financial
Conduct Authority or any other relevant authority who may have jurisdiction (as
is necessary for compliance with our legal obligations).
Some of these third parties may also be considered a data controller in respect of
holding your personal data. In these cases, we will provide you with the privacy
statements of those parties.

How long do we keep your information for?

We will not hold your personal information for any longer than is necessary. If you
are a customer or otherwise have a relationship with us we will hold personal
information about you for a longer period than if we have obtained your details in
connection with a prospective relationship. In any event, the retention period will be
the statutory retention period unless there is a further legal or regulatory requirement
to do so.

How can you manage the information we hold about you?

Under the data protection act you have certain rights in relation to the data we hold
about you. Under GDPR these rights are extended and listed below;
• to obtain access to, and copies of, the personal information that we hold about
• to require that we cease processing your personal information if the processing
is causing you damage or distress;
• to require us not to send you marketing communications.
• to require us to erase your personal information;
• to require us to restrict or object to our data processing activities;
• to receive from us the personal information we hold about you which you have
provided to us, in a reasonable format specified by you, including for the
purpose of you transmitting that personal information to another data controller;
• to require us to correct the personal information we hold about you if it is
Please note that these rights may be limited by data protection legislation, and we
may be entitled to refuse requests where exceptions apply.
If you have a complaint regarding any aspect of how we handle your personal
information, please write to us at the above address. If you are still not satisfied with
the outcome of your complaint, you may write to the Information Commissioner’s
Office at the following address:
Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
You can also contact the Information Commissioner’s Office using their online form: